Ash-TEK turns landfilled or ponded ash from coal fired power plants into a valued commodity used in concrete.

EnviroSource® Innovative Thermal Process Technology for …

The proven EnviroSource fly ash beneficiation technology allows for beneficiation of both wet and dry fly ash, reduces loss on ignition (LOI), ammonia, activated carbon, and moisture in fly ash …


The innovative EnviroSource fly ash beneficiation technology uses a proven thermal process that reduces loss on ignition (LOI), ammonia, activated carbon, mercury and other contaminants making your formerly unusable fly ash in …

The Benefits of Fly Ash Beneficiation

Fly ash, a byproduct of coal combustion, has been accumulating in landfills for decades. However, through fly ash beneficiation, we can transform it into a valuable resource. Fly ash beneficiation involves reclaiming fly ash …

Fly Ash Beneficiation

Our drying and calcining equipment can reclaim fly ash from slurry ponds and landfills by recycling it into a consistent, highquality product for use in the concrete industry and other industrial …

Triboelectrostatic Beneficiation of Landfilled and Ponded Fly …

The STET separation process with feed preprocessing equipment for drying and deagglomerating landfilled fly ash is an attractive option for ash beneficiation with significantly …

Triboelectrostatic Beneficiation of Land Filled Fly Ash

Test results have demonstrated that concrete performance for the low carbon fly ash product produced using tribo-electrostatic separation is equivalent for reclaimed fly ash and "fresh" fly …

Enhancing physiochemical properties and reactivity of …

Thermo-mechanical beneficiation significantly improved the physiochemical properties of LFAs, leading to a decrease in loss in ignition (LOI) and an increase in fineness. …

Fly Ash Reclamation and Beneficiation using a Tribo …

• Carbon-enriched fly ash suitable for reburning at utility boiler or use in cement kiln • Combustion technologies also generates by-products • Oversize • FGD scrubber residue