Toka Tindung is located approximately 35 km northeast of Manado on the island of Sulawesi and is one of the largest gold mining areas in Southeast Asia. Commercial production commenced in 2011. While the original plant throughput was approximately 1.7 Mtpa, this has subsequently been increased to 4 Mtpa.

Toka Tindung Gold Exploration, Archi Indonesia (ARCI) …

The Toka Tindung Gold Mine consists of two long-term contracts of work covering a total area of 39,817 hectares spanning North Minahasa Regency and Bitung City, North Sulawesi. The contract of work, valid until 2041, is held by MSM and TTN.

Toka Tindung

Archi Group has stake in the Toka Tindung Project – a gold and silver mine in North Sulawesi. Mining rights of the Toka Tindung Project is via two Contract of Work (CoW) companies, namely PT Meares Soputan Mining and PT Tambang Tondano Nusajaya, both of which are located in North Sulawesi, Indonesia.

Toka Tindung Gold Prospect

The Toka Tindung Gold Prospect is located in close proximity to Manado, Indonesia. Its existence was initially uncovered in 1994. Subsequent to its discovery, preliminary development activities have been carried out, including operations such as surface trenching, adits, shafts, drill holes, geophysics, geochemistry, and geological mapping.

Archi: Eksplorasi di Tambang Emas Toka Tindung Sukses

Jakarta, Petrominer – PT Archi Indonesia Tbk (Archi) mengklaim berhasil menambah cadangan emas secara signifikan di tambang emas Toka Tindung, Minahasa Utara, Sulawesi Utara. Ini berkat hasil positif pada kegiatan pengeboran berkadar tinggi, terutama di …

Major Mines & Projects | Toka Tindung Complex

Toka Tindung Gold Mine mining complex consists of several open pits, including the Toka, Araren and Kopra active producing open pits, and the Alaskar, Talawaan and Marawuwung open pits, which are in pre-production.

Company Overview – Archi Indonesia

Since its establishment in 2009 and first gold poured in 2011, Archi through its Toka Tindung Gold Mine, has been able to produce approximately 1.9 million ounces of gold up to 2020, supported with a 3.6 Mtpa of processing plant capacity.

Menengok Tambang Emas Archi di Manado, Salah Satu yang …

Archi mengelola Tambang Emas Toka Tindung melalui anak usahanya, PT Meares Soputan Mining dan PT Tambang Tondano Nusajaya. Perusahaan yang baru saja melantai di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) pada 28 Juni 2021 lalu itu, menargetkan bisa menggarap bisnis emasnya dari hulu hingga hilir.

Archi Indonesia – Archi Indonesia has become one of the …

The Toka Tindung Gold Mine is one of the largest gold mining operation in Southeast Asia. In 2011, this mining site poured its first gold and up until 2020, Toka Tindung Gold Mine has produced of approximately 1.9 million ounces of gold.

Toka Tindung Minahasa, Tambang Emas Terbesar di ASEAN

Archi mengelola Tambang Emas Toka Tindung melalui anak usahanya, PT Meares Soputan Mining dan PT Tambang Tondano Nusajaya. Perusahaan yang baru saja melantai di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) pada 28 Juni 2021 lalu itu, menargetkan bisa menggarap bisnis emasnya dari hulu hingga hilir.