Би завинд ямар хэмжээтэй батерей хэрэгтэй вэ?
Далайн батерейны нормын дагуу Battery Council International (BCI)-ийн цахилгаан эсийн орон сууцны санал болгож буй хэмжээсүүд, тэдгээрийн урт, өргөн, өндөр зэргийг …
Далайн батерейны нормын дагуу Battery Council International (BCI)-ийн цахилгаан эсийн орон сууцны санал болгож буй хэмжээсүүд, тэдгээрийн урт, өргөн, өндөр зэргийг …
Heads flushed with salt water accumulate scale deposits in the discharge channels and hoses. Scale deposits cause a head to get progressively harder to flush, and it is scale on the valves that allows water in the discharge line to …
If you use your boat offshore, you will want the ability to pump sewage overboard rather than retaining it. This is most easily accomplished with a Y-valve in the head discharge line. Sewage can be directed into the holding tank or …
Та 3-р бүлгийг тоглоомон завь/хөлөг онгоцоор тоглоомоор хичээллэх эсвэл усан сэдэвтэй даавуугаар будах (дарвуулт завины дарвуулт онгоцыг будах) сонгох боломжтой.
ts en iso 9093-1 Жижиг завь - Завины гадаргуу дээр суурилуулсан далайн хавхлага ба холбох хэрэгсэл - 1 хэсэг: Метал TS EN 12827 Дотоод усан онгоц - Дизель түлшийг …
When the temperature falls below freezing, if there is water inside your engine or gear case, the result can be a cracked block or housing and a repair bill that runs into the thousands. It is easy enough to prevent this unhappy circumstance by putting your boat's engine to bed properly at the end of the boating season. Here is a handy checklist to help in winterizing your boat engine.
CAUTION: Some stuffing boxes are rigidly attached to the hull, but most are connected to the shaft tube with a length of flexible hose. You do not want to twist this hose or twist the stuffing box inside the hose. If the adjusting nut does not turn easily, use a pipe wrench on the stuffing box flange — located just forward of the hose — to keep the box from turning with the nut.
Except aboard the shallowest of craft, venturing beyond narrow or familiar waters means you need a chart. If you are not acquainted with charts, they can look intimidating, but their mystery cannot survive 10 minutes of study. To learn about charts, buy one for the waters you want to navigate. The chart seller can tell you which one you need.
Хавтгай завины эд ангиуд нь хуурай, ямар ч гэмтэл, гэмтэлгүй байх нь дээр блок эсвэл банз шаарддаг. Завины доторлогооны хувьд шилэн даавууг ашигладаг бөгөөд өнхрөх …
Working from Inside. If the damage area is small and above the waterline, make the repair from inside the hull, if possible. You are going to bevel the edge of the hole with a 12-to-1 chamfer, so if you repair a 3-inch diameter hole through a 1/2-inch-thick hull from the outside, you end up with about 15 inches (diameter) of surface damage to refinish.
Gelcoat Choices. You will find gelcoat available as both a resin and in a thicker putty form called paste. For scratch repair you want paste. Repair kits comprised of a small amount of gelcoat paste and hardener, a selection of pigments, mixing …
The higher frequency offers more detail of objects directly below the boat, showing better bottom formations, bottom-feeding fish, and schools of baitfish, especially in shallower waters. There is wide variety in dual-frequency and multiple frequency models. Some have the ability to switch back and forth between two frequencies, while others ...
If your boat suffers more than average corrosion problems, then it may be more likely to suffer from premature manifold failure. Stray current corrosion is evidenced by rapid zinc wastage, corroding lower units and corrosion build-up on through-hull fittings. This is normally the result of poorly installed 12vDC wiring or faulty 12vDC equipment.
Don Casey has been one of the most consulted experts on boat care and upgrades for 30 years, and is one of the BoatUS Magazine's panel of experts. He and his wife cruise aboard their 30-footer part of the year in the eastern Caribbean. His books include Don Casey's Complete Illustrated Sailboat Maintenance Manual, and the recently updated This ...
Email : [email protected] Thứ 2 - Chủ nhật 8:00 - 22:00; BOAT TECH We provide a wide range of technical services for ships and yachts . Tag. Ship Service. Recent Posts. August 30, 2023 Hệ thống xử lý nước dần ballast; August 18, …
Өглөөний цайны дараа бид онгоцны буудал хүргүүлэн Индонез улсын Бали аралруу ниснэ. Бали арал дээр буугаад 5 одтой резортдоо хүргүүлэн амрана.
Award-winning BoatUS Magazine is the official publication of Boat Owners Association of The United States. The magazine provides boating skills, DIY maintenance, safety, news and more from top experts. BoatUS Magazine Is A …
The vast majority of boats on the water today depend on electricity. Unfortunately, too many of those boats are operating with unbalanced and undersized electrical systems, resulting in unnecessary problems that drain both your patience and pocketbook: dead batteries, long charging times, etc.
Bimini tops should be cleaned, dried and stored whenever your boat is laid up for long periods. They should not be used as substitutes for a winter cover. Storm winds or snow load can destroy a bimini in a season. droppings left on the …
If there's already an anchor windlass on the boat you may be able to utilize its power cables since it's unlikely that you'll be using the head and hoisting the anchor at the same time. In our installation, the single push-button control panel that actuates the treatment cycle was mounted on the side of a cabinet and easy to reach from the head
Twenty-eight years ago, the first Nor-Tech offshore powerboat hit the Gulf of Mexico in Southwest Florida. The 50' Vee hull was unparalleled in terms of exceptional craftsmanship, speed, and …
The outer surface of a fiberglass boat is normally a special resin called gelcoat. Gelcoat has little structural value but gelcoat protects the hull and gives it its color and shine. The ultra high gloss most new boats exhibit is due entirely to the highly polished, mirror-like surface of the mold used in the original construction of the boat. Time and exposure eventually erode the relatively ...
f there is one type of boating safety equipment you are unlikely to use until you need it in an emergency, it's pyrotechnic/visual distress signals: flares, rockets, smoke signals, and other attention-getting devices that burn, sputter, smoke, or explode. The Coast Guard requires boaters to carry approved visual distress signals, and approves two types: pyrotechnic and …
Repair statistics show that 90% of diesel engine problems stem from contaminated fuel. Experienced boat owners know certain kinds of fuel-related problems do exist and come with the territory - they may even be viewed as inevitable. The promise of eliminating potential failures should put fuel-system maintenance at the top of your list.
From BoatUS Magazine, America's Most-Trusted Boating Magazine. BoatUS Magazine, official publication of the Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS), provides recreational boating skills, DIY maintenance, safety, news, lifestyle and personality profiles, and insight from top experts.The award-winning boating magazine publishes several issues a year and is an …
If your boat will be idle for a while — over the winter, for example — it is imperative to remove the contaminated oil and fill the engine with clean oil. Unfortunately regular oil changes are more often the exception rather than the rule, mainly because changing the oil in a boat engine can be a difficult and messy job. ...
The grounding wire changes all that. A short to the case instantly becomes a short to ground, probably opening the breaker in the circuit. Even if the short is insufficient to kick the breaker, or if it occurs while you are holding the …
Inverters bring a new level of enjoyment to your boat. By supplying 120 Volt AC power, inverters allow you to use things such as TVs, other home entertainment equipment, computers, printers, microwaves, and power tools when away from shore power and without using a generator.
Here's The Essentials. There's nothing quite like a boat for testing an electrical circuit to its limits! At the best of times the cables and terminals must put up with a combination of the omnipresent salt atmosphere and vibration (the United …
Supply piping for a boat water system must be non-toxic, non-contaminating, taste-free, and FDA approved for drinking water. If the system is pressurized or will carry hot water, the piping needs to be suitable. The traditional choice for water system plumbing has long been clear PVC reinforced with polyester braid. This same type hose can be ...
Индонезийн түүх нь газарзүйн байршил, байгалийн баялаг, хүн төрөлхтний олон тооны нүүдэл, харилцаа холбоо, байлдан дагуулалтын дайн, МЭ 7-р зуунд Суматра арлаас лалын шашин дэлгэрч, Исламын хаант у
These boats are not just means of transportation but symbols of craftsmanship, tradition, and maritime heritage. Whether it's a classic v-bottom, a catamaran, or a luxury yacht, legacy boats …