Active Suspension

The Active Suspension consists of three masses that along stainless steel shafts using linear bearings and is supported by a set of springs. The upper mass (blue) represents the vehicle body supported above the suspension, the middle mass …


Quanser offers modeled, repeatable, and reliable control systems trainers that offer students hands-on experience using modern control tools and approaches to solve control problems …

Autonomous Vehicles Research Studio

At the center of the research studio are two autonomous vehicles for air and ground: the QDrone 2 and QBot Platform.The successor of the QBall 2, the QDrone 2 is a quadrotor air vehicle equipped with powerful on-board NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX SOM, multiple high-resolution cameras and integrated sensors.

A HYBRID LAB EXPERIENCE: Blending Hands-on Explorations with

As a founding member of the Lassonde School of Engineering, the Earth and Space Science and Engineering (ESSE) department at York University in Toronto plays a key role in offering a school-wide fourth-year control theory course. With the COVID-19 pandemic requiring schools across Canada to move to an online format, the department was faced with the challenge to offer a …

Magnetic Levitation

The Quanser Magnetic Levitation device is a single degree of freedom electromagnet-based system that allows users to levitate a ball vertically up and down. The overhead electromagnet generates an attractive force on the metal ball that initially sits on the post. The position of the ball is measured using a photo-sensitive sensor embedded ...

QBot 2e

The Quanser QBot 2e is an innovative open-architecture autonomous ground robot, equipped with built-in sensors, and a vision system. Accompanied by extensive courseware, the QBot 2e is ideally suited for teaching undergraduate and advanced robotics and mechatronics courses, surpassing capabilities of hobby-level robotic platforms. ...

Research Papers

Real Research Results from Quanser Users Quanser systems offer a highly efficient platform for bridging the gap between advanced theoretical and algorithm frameworks and real-world implementation. Browse our growing collection of research papers that demonstrate how Quanser systems help researchers around the globe to validate their concepts.

Installation guide for Windows

Quanser is the place for you! See Our Career Opportunities. Get Started Right Now . Even if you just have an idea or question, we are more than happy to connect with you. Contact Us. About; Careers; Be the First to Know Get the latest news and updates right in your inbox! Name (Required) First Last ...

Үелэх хүснэгтийг татаж аваад хэвлэх

Хүснэгтийн дээд талд байгаа зургаан өнцөгт нь элементийн элбэг дэлбэг ... Энэ бол химийн элементүүдийн үнэ төлбөргүй (нийтийн домэйн) тогтмол хүснэгт бөгөөд та хүссэнээрээ татаж авах ...

Shake Table II XY

The Shake Table II XY consists of two single-axis Shake Table II units mounted perpendicularly on top of each other. Each stage can travel ±7.6 cm. Driven by powerful motors, the Shake Table II XY can achieve an acceleration of 2.5 g when loaded with a 7.5 kg mass.

QBot 3

The Quanser QBot 3 is an innovative open-architecture autonomous ground robot, built on a 2-wheel mobile platform. Equipped with built-in sensors, a vision system, and accompanied by extensive courseware, the QBot 3 is ideally suited for teaching undergraduate and advanced robotics and mechatronics courses. The courseware laboratory exercises ...

Multi-DOF Torsion

The Rotary Multi-DOF Torsion Module is ideal to teach principles of robotics and torsional dynamics. You can use it to demonstrate real-world control challenges, such as the effect of flexible coupling between an actuator and a load encountered in complex industrial processes.

Virtual Resources Archives

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Quick Installation Guide: QUARCTM on Microsoft Windows

STEP 4 Software-only Test The QUARC Sine and Scope Demo used in this section is to confirm that QUARC has been installed properly. A Open the QUARC built-in examples by typing qc_show_demos in the MATLAB Command Window. The QUARC Demo Examples Supplemental Software Help window should appear. Click on the QUARC Sine and Scope Demo under the

Quanser Engineering Solutions

Explore the forefront of engineering with Quanser's insightful robotics and control systems at McKinsey Electronics. Find out how Quanser elevates research & education in engineering.

Shake Table III XY

The Quanser Shake Table III XY is a dual-axis, high-powered planar earthquake simulator ideal for more advanced dynamics analysis and research relating to earthquake loss reduction. It is capable of moving high loads of up to 100 kg at high accelerations and velocities. Request a …

Navigating the Future: Quanser Self-Driving Car Student …

The 2024 American Control Conference in Toronto was the stage for a remarkable display of innovation and engineering prowess as the Quanser Self-Driving Car Student Competition unfolded at the Westin Harbour Castle Hotel. This event was not just a competition; it was a convergence of young minds set to redefine the capabilities of autonomous vehicles.

Rotary Double Inverted Pendulum

The Double Inverted Pendulum module is composed of a rotary arm that attaches to the Rotary Servo Base Unit, a short 7-inch bottom blue rod, an encoder hinge, and the top 12-inch blue rod.

Ball and Beam

Quanser Q2-USB; Quanser Q8-USB; Quanser QPIDe; For LabVIEW. Quanser Rapid Control Prototyping (Q-RCP) Toolkit® add-on for NI LabVIEW™ One Rotary Servo Base Unit; Quanser VoltPAQ-X1 linear voltage amplifier; One of the following DAQ devices: NI Compac with Quanser Q1-cRIO; NI myRIO with Quanser Terminal Board; Quanser Q2-USB; Quanser Q8 ...


Quanser is the global leader in lab solutions and products that have transformed the way educators teach the theory, application, and implementation of controls, robotics, and …

Now You See Me: New QArm Labs

Here at Quanser, most of our robotic platforms are equipped with a camera to aid with perception. For example, our QCar can use it to identify lanes or road signs. The QDrone can detect obstacles, identify fiducial markers for localization, or detect power lines and pipelines. QArm can find target payloads and manipulate objects. The addition ...

QBall 2

The Quanser QBall 2 quadrotor is an innovative indoor rotary wing platform suitable for a wide variety of unmanned vehicle research applications. A complete system includes the QBall 2, ground control station, and OptiTrack cameras. …

2 DOF Ball Balancer

The 2 DOF Ball Balancer module is a vision-based control experiment designed to teach intermediate to advanced control concepts. You can use it to demonstrate real-world control challenges encountered in vision-based motion platforms, such as pan-tilt cameras.


Quanser is the global leader in the design and manufacture of lab solutions and products that has transformed the way educators teach the theory, application, and implementation of control, …

Using the Reinforcement Learning Toolbox™ to …

Reinforcement learning (RL) is a subset of Machine Learning that uses dynamic data, not static data like unsupervised learning or supervised learning. Reinforcement learning is used in many different applications, such …

Mobile Robotics Lab

The Quanser Mobile Robotics Lab is designed to make the leap from classroom theory to real-world robotics a reality. At the core of this lab are four QBot Platforms, equipped with top-notch sensors like LiDAR and an Intel RealSense RGB-D camera, complimented by an NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nano. This setup lets students and researchers explore ...

Case Studies

Quanser Solutions Around the World Over 2500 academic institutions worldwide have worked with Quanser over the last three decades to accelerate their research and transform student experiences. These case studies highlight some of the most exciting and innovative projects that our customers have accomplished.

Quanser Products and solutions

Quanser equipment have been at the core of countless research projects ranging from fundamental theoretical control, to modern applications such as haptics, teleoperation, …

Quanser Lab Experiments

Quanser's QArm is a 4 DOF serial robotic manipulator with a tendon-based two-stage gripper and an RGBD camera, designed for modern engineering education and academic research …

Validating Model-Free Robust Control of an Inverted …

This webinar presents some of the key components in the Universal(U)-control framework for designing dynamic control systems from model-based to model-free paradigms, in which some introduced pillars include U-control system configuration, open-loop dynamic inversion, closed-loop dynamic inversion, model-free-sliding-mode control (MFSMC), and …


Find documentation, teaching resources including ABET aligned student manuals, and white papers for all Quanser products. Instructor resources are also available upon request! Request Instructor Resources. About; Careers; Be the First to Know Get the latest news and updates right in your inbox! Name (Required)

3 DOF Helicopter

The 3 DOF Helicopter experiment provides a bench top model of a Tandem rotor helicopter. It can be used to understand and develop control laws for a vehicle that has dynamics representative of a dual rotor rigid body helicopter, or any device with similar dynamics.