'Mensch of Malden Mills,' who paid workers even …

JTA — Feuerstein, who became known as the "Mensch of Malden Mills" for continuing to pay his workers even after the textile factory he owned burned to the ground, died at 95 on Thursday.

Feuerstein, who paid Malden Mills workers after the …

Feuerstein, the former owner of the Malden Mills factory in Lawrence who rose to national prominence when he continued to pay workers after a devastating fire, died on …

Feuerstein, Business

In this paper I will discuss Feuerstein, the third-generation president and CEO of Malden Mills Industries, Inc., who leads the Lawrence, Massachusetts business with his fathers and …

Was Feuerstein Wrong?

Short version: Malden Mills, a textile company (best known for Polartec) in Lawrence, Massachusetts, was destroyed by a terrible fire in December 1995. Owner/CEO …

Feuerstein, The Mensch of Malden Mills, 95

Brookline, Mass. – Services were held on Sunday for Feuerstein, the former owner of Malden Mills and a legendary figure in the home textiles industry for both product …

Feuerstein – moralheroes

The tragedy of this story began in December 1995, shortly after Malden Mills invested millions of dollars into new equipment and research into creating Polarfleece out of recycled materials. A fire destroyed the factory complex and …

Feuerstein, who was best known for paying Malden …

Feuerstein, the former owner of the Malden Mills factory in Lawrence who rose to national fame when he continued to pay workers after a devastating fire, died on …

Marika Feuerstein: The Mentsch of Malden Mills: A …

Marika Feuerstein tells the lesser known story of his later life, and how the Feuerstein family regrouped in the wake of the fire. What happened in the aftermath of the fire? What were its effects on the Feuerstein family, who, …

Feuerstein: Bankrupt and Wealthy | Aish

Malden's CEO and owner, Feuerstein, became the focus of broad press attention seven years ago, when a fire ravaged much of his factory and he decided to shun the idea of …

Feuerstein, 'Mensch of Malden Mills' who …

(JTA) — Feuerstein, who became known as the "Mensch of Malden Mills" for continuing to pay his workers even after the textile factory he owned burned to the ground, died at 95 on...