Notes to Naturalism

'The flood of projects over the last two decades that attempt to fit mental causation or mental ontology into a "naturalistic picture of the world" strike me as having more in common with …


One typical characteristic of naturalism is a view about ontology: a view about what kinds of entities and properties there are. Some people call this characteristic of naturalism …

Naturalism and civilization (1927-1947)

Early American philosophical naturalism is more than a philosophical movement. It is also - and in some ways primarily - a cultural phenomenon with wide social, political, and …

Critical naturalism

An example of a naturalistic, objectivist approach is positivism, and an example of an anti-naturalistic, subjectivist approach is hermeneutics. To the contrary, Bhaskar showed that good …

crasher naturalistic approach

The use of crashes and near crashes (CNCs) and naturalistic driving studies can help solve the data problem, and use of pre-crash scenarios can identify the high-prevalence causes across …

Foreground and background: an interview with Peter Singer …

Moreover, neurophilosophy is a naturalistic philosophy, i.e. one that dismisses a priori knowledge and does not differ from science «either in the status of its theories or in its ultimate …

Naturalistic Inquiry

According to Blumer (1969: 152), naturalistic research "depends on patient, careful and imaginative life study, not quick shortcuts or technical instruments," so that "it has the …

Worldview Naturalism In Depth

Our objective has been to articulate naturalism as a comprehensive worldview, explore its implications, apply them in various domains, and get the word out.

The Nature of Naturalism :ATrans-Historical Examination

Through a series of case studies, the authors pro- pose criteria that could characterize- or that his- torically defined- a work, a corpus, or a style, as naturalistic; they explore different ways in …

Naturalist Themes

We see three major themes that cut across most of those lumped together under the banner of naturalism: (a) a priority assigned to scientific practices; (b) ontological and …