Шотланд Кирк

тойрог Ямайкад сүм хийд нь нийгэм, соёл, түүхийн өвөрмөц холимог юм. 14 сүм тус бүр нь орон нутгийн засаг захиргааны үүргийг гүйцэтгэдэг...: Kingston Ямайкийн нийслэл Кингстон нь түүхэн гүн гүнзгий, орчин үеийн эрч хүчийг ...


Awah is a common Jamaican Patois expression meaning "What" and is often used to show surprise, disbelief, or confusion in everyday conversations. It's a versatile term that fits naturally into informal exchanges, especially when someone encounters unexpected news, a puzzling situation, or questionable behavior. For instance, if a real estate agent tells a client that

Гэгээн Маркийн Англикан сүм

Гэгээн Маркийн Англикан сүм Англикан сүм нь Английн сүм гэж нэрлэгддэг, Христийн шашны томоохон урсгал юм. (Мандевилл тойрог Ямайкад сүм хийд нь нийгэм, соёл, түүхийн өвөрмөц холимог юм. 14 сүм тус бүр нь орон нутгийн ...

Bless up

Bless up is a warm and positive Jamaican Patois phrase often used to wish someone well, express goodwill, or say goodbye with a sense of respect and kindness. It can also mean "I болно Ямайкад гэрээслэл гэдэг нь хувь хүн өөрийн хөрөнгө, түүний дотор эд зүйлээ хэрхэн яаж тодорхойлохыг заасан ...

WY12pro Үйлдвэрийн шууд EPA CE экскаватор мини халуун зарах экскаватор …

Wonway-д тавтай морилно уу, манай компанийн гол бүтээгдэхүүнүүд нь экскаватор, ачигч, гулсуур, өргөгч, трактор юм.

Экскаватор, ковш, бульдозерийн сэлбэг хэрэгсэлийн …

АНУ-ын Allmond дизель гэрэлт цамхаг буюу гэрэлтүүлэгч зарах буюу түрээслүүлнэ. УТАС: 8888 9309 Экскаватор, ковш, бульдозерийн сэлбэг хэрэгсэлийн төвлөрсөн зар | АНУ-ын Allmond дизель гэрэлт цамхаг ...


Bredda, a Jamaican Patois term meaning "brother," is used to refer to a close male friend, someone who shares a strong bond, or even a trusted acquaintance.The word carries a sense of camaraderie, respect, and solidarity, often used in both formal and informal contexts. For instance, "Mi bredda mi help mi wid di renovation last week, mi couldn't do it without him" …

Di ting lock

"Di ting lock," meaning "under control" or "everything is secured" in Jamaican Patois, conveys confidence and assurance. In real estate, an agent might use it to reassure clients, saying, "Don't worry, di ting lock—everyting fi di sale set up proper," when a deal is progressing smoothly. A developer could confidently state, "Wi already get di

Back a Yard

Back a Yard, a beloved Jamaican Patois phrase meaning "back at home" or "back in Jamaica," carries a deep sense of belonging, nostalgia, and connection to one's roots. It's often used by Jamaicans abroad to describe their longing for the island or by locals to express comfort and familiarity within their home environment. "Mi cya

A mek

"A mek" in Jamaican Patois translates to "making" and is often used to describe the act of creating, preparing, or causing something to happen. In the context of real estate, this phrase is invaluable for expressing action and purpose. For example, an agent might say, "Wi a mek sure di paperwork fi di house sale

How Much Does Renting a Property Cost in Jamaica?

The average rent in Jamaica varies depending on location, property type, and amenities. Generally, renting in Jamaica can range from approximately $300 to $1,100 per month. In urban areas like Kingston, Montego Bay, and Ocho Rios, rental prices are typically on the higher end of the spectrum due to the demand and available infrastructure. For

Мэннингийн сургууль

Хөгжүүлэлт Ямайкад "хөгжил" гэсэн нэр томьёо нь янз бүрийн нөхцөл байдалд хамаарах бөгөөд тус бүр өөрийн гэсэн өвөрмөц анхаарал, үр дагавартай байдаг.

How has Bob Marley's legacy influenced tourism and real …

Bob Marley's impact on Jamaica has been profound, shaping the island's global perception and influencing tourism and real estate investment. As one of the most iconic cultural figures, his music and message of peace and unity helped position Jamaica as a vibrant cultural and tourism destination, boosting interest in real estate. Marley's international fame, especially


Badda, a common Jamaican Patois term, means "to not worry or be upset" and is often used as a way to tell someone to remain calm, let go of stress, or avoid unnecessary frustration.In Ямайкийн соёл Ямайкийн соёл нь колоничлол, шилжилт хөдөлгөөн, Африк, Евро..., where resilience and a laid-back attitude are deeply ingrained ...

Экскаватор, Ковш, Хүнд машин механизм худалдаа …

Зарах үнэ 13 сая. утас-95956033 Экскаватор, Ковш, Хүнд машин механизм худалдаа наймаа;түрээс Нэгдсэн#group | Зарах үнэ 13 сая

Экскаватор — из чего состоит и как устроены …

Одноковшовый экскаватор наиболее распространенный вид землеройной техники на стройплощадках, в местах разработки ископаемых, при устройстве дорог и насыпей.

Big up yourself

Big up yourself, a popular Jamaican Patois phrase, is a way of congratulating or acknowledging oneself or someone else for their achievements or positive actions.It's a term of respect, recognition, and self-empowerment, often used to celebrate success, whether big or small. You might hear someone say, "Mi just closed di deal, big up myself!" after securing a major sale, …

Ah yuh dat

Ah yuh dat is a Jamaican Patois phrase meaning "Is that you?" and is often used to confirm someone's presence, acknowledge someone familiar, or express surprise when seeing someone unexpectedly. It carries a tone of recognition, sometimes mixed with admiration or disbelief. In the real estate world, this phrase can surface in various ways.

Ямайкийн ангилал

Ямайкад амьдардаг; Үл хөдлөх хөрөнгө худалдаж авах; Хууль эрх зүйн болон гэрээний; …

A fi

"A fi" is a versatile phrase in Jamaican Patois that translates to "it's for" in English, often used to indicate ownership, purpose, or entitlement. This expression is deeply rooted in the Jamaican cultural emphasis on defining what belongs to whom and what something is intended for. In everyday conversations, you might hear it in phrases

A watta guwaan yasso?

"A watta guwaan yasso?" is a popular Jamaican Patois expression that translates to "What's going on here?" in English. This phrase is commonly used when someone is curious, confused, or seeking clarification about a situation, event, or set of circumstances. It can also express surprise or a desire for information when something seems out of


Cho, a Jamaican Patois exclamation, is used to express annoyance, frustration, or disbelief, often when something unexpected or irritating happens. It's a reaction to situations that feel frustrating or irritating, like when things aren't going as planned. For example, "Cho, mi cya believe di inspection fail again" expresses frustration at something not meeting expectations. In

A hav

"A hav" or "Aaving" in Jamaican Patois is derived from the English word "having" and is used to express possession or the act of holding something. It highlights ownership, control, or the status of someone having something in their possession, making it a practical phrase in Jamaican culture. For example, in real estate, an agent

Небо уулын баптист сүм

тойрог Ямайкад сүм хийд нь нийгэм, соёл, түүхийн өвөрмөц холимог юм. 14 сүм тус бүр нь орон нутгийн засаг захиргааны үүргийг гүйцэтгэдэг...: Гэгээн Кэтрин. Небо уулын баптист сүм нь архитектурын өвөрмөц онцлогоороо ...

Хөрөнгийн татвар төлөх нь Ямайкад өмчлөх эрхтэй юу?

Ямайкад үл хөдлөх хөрөнгийн татвар төлөх нь тухайн хүний өмчлөх эрхийг …

Экскаватор, Бульдозер, Ковш, уул уурхайн хүнд машины …

TV1400 индүү зарах буюу түрээслүүлнэ. Утас: 99103643; 99034440 Page: #Gear_Power_LLC _______ #Техникийн ...

Олон нийтийн оролцоо

Төслийн менежмент болон үл хөдлөх хөрөнгийн хөгжилд олон нийтийн оролцоо нь төслийн шийдвэр гаргах үйл явцад орон нутгийн иргэд болон оролцогч талуудыг идэвхтэй оролцуулах явдал юм. Ямайкад дэлхийн бусад орны ...

Өв залгамжлал

Өв залгамжлал нь Ямайка, үл хөдлөх хөрөнгө, дэлхийн өргөн хүрээний нөхцөлд өнгөрсөн үеийн үйл ажиллагаа, ололт амжилт, шийдвэрийн өнөөгийн болон ирээдүй хойч үеийнхэнд үзүүлэх нөлөөллийг илэрхийлдэг. Ямайкад өв ...


Bredren, a term in Jamaican Patois, refers to anyone who is considered a close friend, a companion, or someone with whom you share a strong bond. It's an expression of camaraderie, trust, and mutual respect, used to refer to someone with whom you have a positive relationship, much like "brother" or "buddy." For example, "Mi

55 экскаватор | Хямд зарах гинжит 55 бнуу урдичилгаа …

Хямд зарах гинжит 55 бнуу урдичилгаа 10ийг өгөөд үлдэдлийн сарын хугцаатай гэрээ хийж өгөх унага бнуу 55 экскаватор | Хямд зарах гинжит 55 бнуу урдичилгаа 10ийг өгөөд үлдэдлийн сарын хугцаатай ...


"Cyah," meaning "can't" in Jamaican Patois, is a common expression used to convey inability, frustration, or disbelief. In real estate, it might come up during moments of disappointment or negotiation. A prospective buyer, for instance, might lament, "Mi cyah believe di price fi dis likkle house!" upon seeing an overpriced property. Similarly, a tenant might