Dong Seo High Tech Co., Ltd.

Dong Seo High Tech, which started its business with a business philosophy of "human dignity" and "customer satisfaction," has secured a system to massproduce truck tire washers, helping its customers reduce production costs and shorten construction periods significantly.


is the company which manufacture and construct various kinds of multi-variable environmental control system equipments and materials. We have been developed for 20 years with our own technology, human and capital resources.

Dong Seo High Tech Co. Ltd. – Korean-Machinery

Dong Seo High Tech's automatic wheel washer is used in construction or mining sites to wash the wheels of dumptrucks, heavy trucks or other vehicles. It helps to reduce clouds of dust and a …

Wheel, Tire, Washer, Machinery Manufacturer

Max 720~1400 trucks/a day(8hours) Features of Dong Seo potable automatic tire washer 1.Automatic tire washing system. A super-high speed washing system operated by detecting …

Dong Seo High Tech Co., Ltd.

Dong Seo High Tech, which started its business with a business philosophy of "human dignity" and "customer satisfaction," has secured a system to massproduce truck tire washers, helping …

Dong-Seo Wheel Wash

DONG SEO HIGH TECH's Automatic wheel washer is designed for use on construction sites to wash the wheels of dumptrucks, heavy trucks or other vehicles. It reduces clouds of dust and spread of lots of dirt and further minimizes damage to the pavement road with clean tires.

Wheel, Tire, Washer, Machinery Manufacturer

Max 720~1400 trucks/a day(8hours) Features of Dong Seo potable automatic tire washer 1.Automatic tire washing system. A super-high speed washing system operated by detecting the vehicle's in and out movements by means dof sensors.

Өндөр даралтат цэвэрлэгчээр дугуйгаа хэрхэн угаах вэ?

Өндөр даралтат цэвэрлэгчээр дугуйгаа хэрхэн угаах вэ?

Унадаг дугуй угаах үед гаргадаг гол алдаа

АвтоТахки. Машины тухай бүх зүйл. Мэдээ; Тээврийн хэрэгслийн төхөөрөмж. Хөдөлгүүр

Машины дугуйг хэрхэн шинэчлэх вэ? Дугуй цэвэрлэх …

Тайлбарласан 3-ын-1 дугуй цэвэрлэгч нь машины дугуйг цэвэрлэж, хамгаалж, арчлахын зэрэгцээ өнгөний гүн, резинэн уян хатан чанарыг хадгална. 400 мл-ийн сав нь …

Dong-Seo Wheel Wash

DONG SEO HIGH TECH's Automatic wheel washer is designed for use on construction sites to wash the wheels of dumptrucks, heavy trucks or other vehicles. It reduces clouds of dust and …

Дугуйгаа хэрхэн яаж угаах вэ

Унадаг дугуйгаа хэрхэн яаж угаах вэ. Унадаг дугуй угаах

Олон улсын Угаалгын арчилгааны тэмдэглэгээний …

Хувцасны тэмдгийг хэрхэн угаах вэ? Rakdee / Creative RF / Getty Images . Угаалгын савны хэлбэр нь хувцасыг угаах, эсвэл угааж болохгүй гэсэн үг юм.


is the company which manufacture and construct various kinds of multi-variable environmental control system equipments and materials. We have been developed for 20 years with our own …

Dong Seo High Tech Co. Ltd. – Korean-Machinery

Dong Seo High Tech's automatic wheel washer is used in construction or mining sites to wash the wheels of dumptrucks, heavy trucks or other vehicles. It helps to reduce clouds of dust and a lot of dirt for cleaner air and to minimize further damages to the paved roads with clean tires.

Машины дугуйг хэрхэн шинэчлэх вэ? Дугуй цэвэрлэх …

Тайлбарласан 3-ын-1 дугуй цэвэрлэгч нь машины дугуйг цэвэрлэж, хамгаалж, арчлахын зэрэгцээ өнгөний гүн, резинэн уян хатан чанарыг хадгална. 400 мл-ийн сав нь 24 орчим дугуйг арчлахад хангалттай.