Use it or lose it

The Eurasian Resources Group-owned Todal-Bokai Platinum Project, located next to Anglo Platinum-ran Unki mine, has been targeted, with cabinet directing Mines and Mining Development Minister Hon Winston Chitando to follow up on the company to ensure it springs up into production.

Zimbabwe threatens to seize platinum concession from

Zimbabwe's mines minister has informed Todal Mining Ltd., a venture controlled by Eurasian Resources Group, that its platinum mining concessions could be seized because no progress has been...


INVESTORS in one of Zimbabwe's biggest platinum projects — Todal Mining — were this week said to have dumped the project, turning the heat on Mines minister Winston …

Zimbabwe threatens to seize platinum concession …

Zimbabwe's mines minister has informed Todal Mining Ltd., a venture controlled by Eurasian Resources Group, that its platinum mining concessions could be seized because no progress has been...

Mines minister under pressure to cancel idle platinum deal

Mines and Mining Development Minister Winston Chitando could cancel Todal Mining's licence after the investor reportedly abandoned the project. The Todal Mining claims …

GVT to seize platinum concession from Eurasian affiliate

Zimbabwe's mines minister has informed Todal Mining Ltd., a venture controlled by Eurasian Resources Group, that its platinum mining concessions could be seized because no progress has been made in developing them.

Africa News: Zimbabwe May Seize Eurasian …

Zimbabwe's mines minister has informed Todal Mining Ltd., a venture controlled by Eurasian Resources Group, that its platinum mining concessions could be seized because no progress has been made in …

Zimbabwe government may seize PGM concessions held by …

THE Zimbabwean platinum group metal (PGM) concessions of Todal Mining, a venture controlled by Eurasian Resources Group, could be seized by the government because …

Zimbabwe Threatens to Seize Platinum Concession From …

Zimbabwe's mines minister has informed Todal Mining Ltd., a venture controlled by Eurasian Resources Group, that its platinum mining concessions could be seized because no …

Pressure mounts on Zim platinum miner | Business Times

Pressure is mounting on Zimbabwe platinum miner Todal Mining Limited to come up with a roadmap on the development of the mine amid claims a section of politicians in the Midlands province wants the company to lose its concession, Business Times can report.

Africa News: Zimbabwe May Seize Eurasian Resources Affiliate Todal

Zimbabwe's mines minister has informed Todal Mining Ltd., a venture controlled by Eurasian Resources Group, that its platinum mining concessions could be seized because no progress has been made in developing them.


INVESTORS in one of Zimbabwe's biggest platinum projects — Todal Mining — were this week said to have dumped the project, turning the heat on Mines minister Winston Chitando to cancel its...

Mines minister under pressure to cancel idle platinum deal

Mines and Mining Development Minister Winston Chitando could cancel Todal Mining's licence after the investor reportedly abandoned the project. The Todal Mining claims are adjacent to AngloPlat's Unki Mine in Shurugwi, Midlands Province.

Zimbabwe government may seize PGM concessions held by

THE Zimbabwean platinum group metal (PGM) concessions of Todal Mining, a venture controlled by Eurasian Resources Group, could be seized by the government because no progress has been made in developing them.

Zimbabwe Threatens to Seize Platinum Concession From …

Zimbabwe's mines minister has informed Todal Mining Ltd., a venture controlled by Eurasian Resources Group, that its platinum mining concessions could be seized because no progress has been made in developing them.

Pressure mounts on Zim platinum miner | Business Times

Pressure is mounting on Zimbabwe platinum miner Todal Mining Limited to come up with a roadmap on the development of the mine amid claims a section of politicians in the …

Use it or lose it

The Eurasian Resources Group-owned Todal-Bokai Platinum Project, located next to Anglo Platinum-ran Unki mine, has been targeted, with cabinet directing Mines and Mining …

Zimbabwe Uncertainty surrounds future of ERG's platinum …

The fate of Eurasian Resources Group's (ERG) 60% stake in the Todal Mining platinum project is likely to be sealed soon. According to our sources, the government is …

Zimbabwe Uncertainty surrounds future of ERG's platinum …

The fate of Eurasian Resources Group's (ERG) 60% stake in the Todal Mining platinum project is likely to be sealed soon. According to our sources, the government is preparing to take away its mining and industrial asset.

GVT to seize platinum concession from Eurasian affiliate

Zimbabwe's mines minister has informed Todal Mining Ltd., a venture controlled by Eurasian Resources Group, that its platinum mining concessions could be seized because no …