manfredini schianchi дүүжин

Per la Manfredini & Schianchi S.r.l., storica azienda sassolese costruttrice di macchine e impianti per la granulazione e lavorazione delle materie prime ceramiche e dei minerali in genere, è …

Pre-crushing mill MSC

The MSC 4/2 Crushing Mill is designed to crush large pieces of raw material (clay, kaolin, feldspar etc.) having sizes ranging from 500 mm to 600 mm on input and from 60 mm to 75 mm on output.. The machine's main purpose is reducing …

Салхин цахилгаан станц: төрөл, загвар, давуу тал

Тогтвортой байдал, агаарын хөдөлгөөний хангалттай хүчтэй нөхцөлд цахилгаан эрчим хүч үйлдвэрлэх салхин тээрэм нь 45-50% -ийн үр ашгийг хангах чадвартай.

Vane extractors

Manfredini & Schianchi Paddle Extractors are mounted under raw material storage silos for emptying them or otherwise under loading hoppers in the event that the material is already ground. The emptying process is accomplished gradually; both feeding speed and flow rate are adjustable. The wavy movement of the paddles grants a more accurate and ...

Screening plants

Manfredini & Schianchi. Development of cutting-edge technologies in the preparation and treatment of raw materials. CF / VAT number 01661310035 [email protected]. Historic web site. Sitemap. Industrial plants. Machines.

Manfredini & Schianchi Srl

Manfredini & Schianchi was born in 1962 in Sassuolo, in the core of the world in Italian ceramics manufacturing. In 50 years of activity, the company developed avant-garde technologies in …


Manfredini & Schianchi holds the patent for an innovative technology for the dry preparation of ceramic body: the FUSION® process, which makes it possible to obtain a dry ceramic body with performances similar to the traditional wet-prepared atomized body. Fusion® is a strong, concrete response to the need to face a constantly dynamic ...

Rotary screens

Manfredini & Schianchi. Development of cutting-edge technologies in the preparation and treatment of raw materials. CF / VAT number 01661310035 [email protected]. Historic web site. Sitemap. Industrial plants. Machines.

Minerali Industriali group completes acquisition of …

The Novara-based group's management sees the acquisition of Manfredini & Schianchi as a strategic opportunity to expand its business and offer customers a broad …

Madirex Granulation System

Thanks to fifty years of experience in the field of dry milling, granulation and powder treatment, Manfredini & Schianchi has developed the new Madirex granulating system, which eliminates all the restrictions of traditional systems. …

Bucket elevators

Manfredini & Schianchi. Development of cutting-edge technologies in the preparation and treatment of raw materials. CF / VAT number 01661310035 [email protected]. Historic web site. Sitemap. Industrial plants. Machines.


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Manfredini & Schianchi Srl

Manfredini & Schianchi was born in 1962 in Sassuolo, in the core of the world in Italian ceramics manufacturing. In 50 years of activity, the company developed avant-garde technologies in handling and processing raw materials of a different nature. The company features modern and technological facilities in its headquarters equipped with a R&D lab and a pilot plant with an …


Manfredini & Schianchi. Development of cutting-edge technologies in the preparation and treatment of raw materials. CF / VAT number 01661310035 [email protected]. Historic web site. Sitemap. Industrial plants. Machines.


Manfredini & Schianchi. Development of cutting-edge technologies in the preparation and treatment of raw materials. CF / VAT number 01661310035 [email protected]. Historic web site. Sitemap. Industrial plants. Machines.

1000w инвертер 50,000 ₮ №6988689 in УБ — Сүхбаатар

Цахилгаан тоног төхөөрөмж; 1000w инвертер Шинэчлэх Онцгой зар болгох. УБ — Сүхбаатар, Сүхбаатар, Хороо 1 ...

Coal grinding plants

Manfredini & Schianchi. Development of cutting-edge technologies in the preparation and treatment of raw materials. CF / VAT number 01661310035 [email protected]. Historic web site. Sitemap. Industrial plants. Machines.

Contact Us

CONTACTSOur headquarters Operational HeadquartersVia Coppi,5641043 Formigine (MO) – ItalyTel. +39 059 5779700Email [email protected] Registered officePiazza Martiri della

Plants for the recovery of ceramic waste

Recovering ceramic rejects is a well known problem that exists in the ceramic industry and the most suitable solution, seeing the high costs of disposal and consequent environmental impact, is the possibility of recycling them in productive systems through extremely efficient Technology that creates advantageous objectives in terms of economy (cost of raw materials), technology, …

Metal detectors

Manfredini & Schianchi. Development of cutting-edge technologies in the preparation and treatment of raw materials. CF / VAT number 01661310035 [email protected]. Historic web site. Sitemap. Industrial plants. Machines.


In 2012 we successfully started the dry grinding process.), achieving such significant energy savings that this technology has been extended to our other factories in Thailand (All supplied by Manfredini & Schianchi ed.) Heat recovery systems from ovens are active in almost all factories. In our research center we conduct constant R&D activity ...

Extraction systems

Manfredini & Schianchi. Development of cutting-edge technologies in the preparation and treatment of raw materials. CF / VAT number 01661310035 [email protected]. Historic web site. Sitemap. Industrial plants. Machines.

Dry grinding plants for ceramics

This is the reason why we deem it necessary to integrate the grain shape obtained with the primary hammer mill type P.I.G. to the body.. This mill has a high production capacity and receives feed sizes up to 150-200mm (it is possible to use the ceramic fired and green rejects) and at the output obtain 50% of the product below 400 microns (of which 40% under 100 …


The Manfredini & Schianchi srl project, selected by Horizon 2020, plans to develop an innovative plant for the preparation of raw materials for the ceramic industry, created and organized on technologies currently being validated, with the expected result being a significant reduction in the consumption of process water, compared to current ...


manfredini e schianchi s.r.l. | 86 followers on linkedin. produzione di attrezzature per ceramiche,dispositivi meccanici in genere e car- penteria,gestione aziende meccaniche operanti in rami simili

Manfredini & Schianchi Srl

Manfredini & Schianchi was born in 1962 in Sassuolo in the core of the world and Italian ceramics manufacturing. In these 50 years of activities, the... Manfredini & Schianchi Srl - Videos

FORGIA Granulation System

Manfredini & Schianchi. Development of cutting-edge technologies in the preparation and treatment of raw materials. CF / VAT number 01661310035 [email protected]. Historic web site. Sitemap. Industrial plants. Machines.

About Us

Manfredini & Schianchi was founded in 1962 in Sassuolo in the heart of Italian and world ceramic production. In these 60 years of activity, the company has developed state-of-the-art …


Manfredini & Schianchi. Development of cutting-edge technologies in the preparation and treatment of raw materials. CF / VAT number 01661310035 [email protected]. Historic web site. Sitemap. Industrial plants. Machines.

Transport and Weighing Systems

Manfredini & Schianchi. Development of cutting-edge technologies in the preparation and treatment of raw materials. CF / VAT number 01661310035 [email protected]. Historic web site. Sitemap. Industrial plants. Machines.


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